Trustle Takeaways: Black Hat USA 2023

Black Hat 2023 was in full swing this year, with a buzzing tradeshow floor and buckets of  in-person networking opportunities. The event welcomed more than 22,750 attendees, and compared to the 20,200 who attended in 2019, we think it’s safe to say that conferences are finally back to pre-COVID participation levels. 

Similar to previous cybersecurity conferences, Identity and Access Management (IAM) was on display, with several presentations examining ways to secure IAM systems, prevent breaches and protect user identities. This makes sense; managing permissions remains a significant challenge for most companies. It becomes increasingly complex as more and more SaaS toolsets are onboarded to support digital transformation efforts, which ultimately leads to broad access usage. 

Other highlights and takeaways from our experience at Black Hat USA include: 

  • There was more visibility for cyber insurance and basic security hygiene, which in turn, will increase the demand for solutions, like Privileged Access Management (PAM) and Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR.) 
  • The way we quantify risk of exposure remains an ongoing discussion across the industry. ​​One thing we are focused on at Trustle is how to calculate “Access/Authorization” risk within an organization. We are currently looking at ways to help users quantify their risk of over permissioned users and offer suggestions and remediations that will lower their risk of exposure.      
  • Permission creep is increasing, and the proof is in the numbers. Recent metrics indicate that system permissions are exploding, and we’ve observed that most solutions solely look at company directories or the Identity Provider (IDP.) In today's complex digital environment, we have to take both the IDP and Service Provider (SP) into account.       
  • Artificial Intelligence, or at least the term “A,” was everywhere. Companies are quickly adding AI where they can to find patterns and identify threats faster than ever before.
  • Supply chain security was also a hot topic, as companies are seeing the vulnerabilities in their software supply chain and finding ways to secure their critical infrastructure.

All in all, Black Hat USA 2023 was a success for Trustle and we’re looking forward to heading back to Las Vegas next August! The insightful conversations we shared with analysts, enterprise users and other expo attendees energized our team, and we look forward to taking our innovative approach to Access Management on the road for events to come.

In the meantime, follow our blog for unexpected insights, or request a demo of the Trustle platform.

Emiliano portrait
Emiliano Berenbaum | September 07, 2023